Expert advice on farm windbreaks for cold tableland situations. This includes advising on correct design and placement of windbreaks, managing windbreaks in grazing and cropping paddocks and maximizing biodiversity conservation in windbreaks.
Shade Haven Design focuses on the use of trees in livestock management to reduce heat stress and improve livestock productivity.
Recommendations to landholders and government on Trees on Farms and Farm Forestry. This can include developing farm tree plans, recommendations for commercial woodlots and tree belts, recommendations for sustainable management of private native forests, firewood production and care of remnant paddock trees.
We provide bushland health assessments of rural bushland, rural residential bush blocks and publicly owned land. This includes preparation of Bushland Management Plans to help land managers maintain and improve the intrinsic and productivity values of bushland.
We can develop a Paddock Tree Replacement Plan for your property including an assessment of paddock tree health and recommendations for paddock tree replacement based on your enterprise requirements and site suitability for strategic natural regeneration and replanting.
We can develop and deliver extension and education services in rural vegetation management and biodiversity conservation, including Field Day and Workshop Presentations, Training Course Delivery and Preparation of Advisory Material.
We can provide an assessment of the health of your riverine or creek side vegetation to assist with revegetation, stock exclusion planning and biodiversity conservation.
We can advise on developing healthy farm dams for improved livestock health, farm beautification and biodiversity conservation.
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